Sadly I haven't finishes the artjournal pages yet as I hoped I would. I'm afraid the flu got to me first and I just can't get any work done while it feels like dinosaurs are playing ping pong with my head. However I did manage to sneak out of the house for a little while today and that lead to the
purchase of some new art supplies. ^^ So since there is no picture of my art today, I'll bore you with some random pics of some of my artsupplies stuff insted.
The current journals that I'm working on. Bottom is my art journal. The next one is my Japan motivasion journal. I am currently studying Japanese and I find it hard to focus. I'm hoping this Journal will help me keep my eyes on the goal. Next is my quotes and poem journal. Here I write poems and quotes that I like or that means a lot to me. The top journal is a Moleskin sketch book that I bought today. I will use this as more of a day to day journal as well as a sketch book.

Todays purchase. My lovely new Moleskin sketchbook and the "Drop dead cute" art book. "Drop dead cute" is a book that features women artists of Japan. I bought the book mostly for Aya
Takanos work. It is her painting you see on the cover.

Two things I use a lot in my journals these days. Derwent watercolour pencils and alphabet stamps.

I went to an art sale last week and I found this horrid basket bag thingy that I really didnt like at all, but I bought it anyway because of it's content. Behold the oil pastels. :) :) I really want to play around more with oil pastels and learn how to use them properly. This pastels are of lovely quality and according to the man in the shop, some of the best in the world. Looking forward to trying them out. ^^